There are many different forms and styles of psychotherapy/counseling. Generally, psychotherapy consists of talking about the issues in your life. The goal is to help you cope with feelings as well as to develop healthier strategies and solutions to ultimately feel better. Sometimes family members are involved in the process. Although there are no guarantees, almost everyone experiences improvement in their emotional well- being.
Our sessions are 45 minutes long. The length of treatment depends on your issues and the rate of progress you make. We offer weekday and evening appointments.
Initially, your therapist will do an assessment of your current issue, take a history of past issues and events in your life, and obtain a history of any past treatment. In this process, your therapist will determine and recommend an appropriate course of action.
Generally a good therapeutic relationship is a good fit between the personality of the therapist, their professional philosophy and the needs and personality of the client. It is important to feel safe and comfortable with your therapist. All of the therapists at Interface Counseling offer a warm, accepting, and safe place for you.